Friday, June 5, 2009

A good God story.....

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9

So this is the verse I prayed when I didn't know what I wanted to do between working full time, part time, not at all. Some days I wanted to be a stay at home mom. Some days I wanted to work full time. Others, I wanted part time work. I knew that God knew my heart better than I did. So I prayed He would help me decide. And help me, He did! Remember when I went down kicking and screaming?

My biggest worry of all was the financial part. Why in the world I would pick that to worry about is beyond me. I mean, "consider the lilies of the field" and all that. I wanted to share with you the small and large ways He has helped us in that arena.

First I received a gas bill with a $400 credit on it. It appears they have been over reading our meter and we have payed that much extra. We won't have to pay that bill again this year.

Second I discovered that a doctor's bill that I thought would be directly out of pocket will be covered after all. Remember when I was literally physically ill in Seattle when I was trying to run from God? We payed nearly $300 for a visit to an urgent care center. We will be getting back all but our co-pay.

Third and most amazing....We have an adjustable rate mortgage that is due to be adjusted next month. We have been looking to refinance, but nothing made sense because we didn't have closing costs saved up and we don't know how much longer we will be in this house. Got a letter last week letting us know what our new payments were going to be. It is 2 whole percentage points less on the interest rate and the payments are $160/month less.

How Great is our God!

Lord, forgive me for not believing. Thank you for blessing me beyond what I deserve. I eagerly look for the next blessing as I know one will come as long as you are my Father. You know what we need Lord and you know the desires of our hearts. Thank you for always showing up.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when He surprises us. Good stuff. Sorry I missed both of your calls. I was in a department store on the last one. Let's try again.

