Thursday, February 19, 2009

Too busy

I think we all suffer from over scheduling our lives. One of the things I loved so much about the mission trips I went on is seeing how other cultures aren't a slave to the clock. As a matter of fact, I stopped wearing a watch after my 1st mission trip to Africa. When you have so many things on your mind, it can become harmful to your health and to your family's health. I had a come to Jesus moment like this earlier in the week when I was on the way to the gym. It takes a lot to get everyone out of bed, fed, dressed, car packed and to the gym. It's a work out in itself. We were almost there when I heard Laine say, "Momma, I wanna buckle up." After my heart started beating again, I glanced back and noticed sure enough he was in his seat and not buckled up. The road to the gym is a 4 lane highway with a 45 mph speed limit. I was in the left lane and couldn't get over to stop and buckle him. I had to turn left across traffic to get to the gym. I was terrified. I've seen too many young children die because of moments like this. I've often judged the parent who placed their child in that kind of danger. And now here I was doing the same thing. You may be familiar with the bible verse that says to "pray without ceasing". That was me in the 2 minutes it took to get to the gym.

Thank you Lord for keeping my baby safe. Help me to slow down in my daily life so I don't make mistakes that harm my family.

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