Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Out of the mouths of babes....

They say the best things when they are learning to express themselves. I wish I could record them all. Here's a couple of examples:

Laine: Can we go to the park?
Mom: We will go later when it's not so hot.
Laine: When's it going to stop hottin?

Laine: The farmer in the bell. The farmer in the bell. Uh-oh spaghetti-o's. The farmer in the bell.

Laine: (when wanting to hear his favorite song "The 10 Commandment Boogie") I want the "Take the Manna Boogie".

He was trying to say something the other day and I can't remember what it was but I corrected him. He said, "No mama. Look at my mouth: it's....."

May all time favorite that he announced everywhere we go:

"I tooted!"

Fun times. Fun times.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Please Explain

How did this....

Turn into this.....

Turn into this.....

Turn into this?????

It just seems like yesterday when he was born and now we are preparing to celebrate his 3rd birthday. What a fast, wonderful, and glorious 3 years it's been.

Happy Birthday Laine Anderson Davis!

Your Momma loves you more than you will ever know.....

Monday, August 3, 2009

To blog or not to blog....

So obviously, I suck at this whole blogging thing. I have many ideas that I think would be funny, or informative, or encouraging, or to just let you know what's going on with me. But somehow they never get put to writing. If you check this often, just to be disappointed....I'm very sorry.

Short synopsis on life at our house:

It's summer in Arkansas. I'm expecting baby #3. It's hotter than hades. I'm nauseated all the time. The boys are growing big and fast. It's sweltering. Laine has pooped in the potty 3 days in a row! I'm melting away with sweat. Jackson still has chunkalicious thighs. I wanna puke most of the day. I'm cleaning out closets to sell stuff in the fall consignments sales coming up. I get to take naps 4 out of 7 days a week. It's humid. Brushing my teeth makes me want to vomit. Anything on earth makes me cry. Did I mention it's hot?

Hope your summer is going well.